

Baldr: Introduction

    Heyo, Baldr here. As the newest addition to the team I wanted to say hello and give a quick introduction of myself.
    I may love to watch anime but I am first and foremost, a gamer. I have done both since I was little kid as I tried to fit in with my brothers, but I have since realized that they have horrible tastes and have moved on to much greener pastures. I continue to learn about the best anime and hope to dive even deeper down the rabbit hole in the future.
    First off, I personally think it is difficult to find a bad anime, and I enjoy most of them that I watch. That being said, I still have my preferences. I tend to gravitate towards more action oriented anime, even though some of my favorites have no action whatsoever. Honestly, any anime that can get you to relate to one or more of the characters is great to me. This leads you to want to know what happens to them and continue watching, giving them the freedom to mold the story however they would like. But fast paced action is what usually gets me into an anime.
    Just like with games, I feel graphical style isn’t a major part, it can help you visualize and can get their information across, but it is not the most important aspect of any anime. That being said, good visuals can greatly increase an anime’s appeal and your inclination to watch it in my opinion. And I can always appreciate when there has been effort put into the aesthetics of something. Though I do like when something looks amazing, it doesn’t change what it is, just how you see it.
    Generally I prefer subs over dubs, but as I usually multitask when watching things, I will sometimes watch dubs. That would usually be for an anime that I am not that into and if I am invested in watching it, I will definitely watch it with subs. Being a very literary person myself, I put much thought into language and tone, and dubs usually change these quite drastically. I just feel that this changes how a character is portrayed and how certain information is given to you.
    With all that being said, I hope to get some reviews out soon. However, seeing how my colleagues have already done all of my favorite anime, it might be a while until i catch up on watching some. I will probably not be the most active member of this team as I watch many other things besides anime and most of my time is taken up by gaming, but still expect to see things from me in the future.

1 comment:

Hey, click "older posts" to view more, or find reviews by particular reviewers from the top. Thanks! ~Wolfe