

Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor Review - Roxas

Hey guys, so here's my review of the second season of Darker than Black. Note that this does include the four OVA episodes of Darker than Black Gaiden(essentially season 1.5), as the plot of those episodes pertain more to season two than season one. So, a lot's happened for Hei since we left him in season 1. Don't worry, I won't be spoiling anything for you guys, so rest easy.
Alright, let's start with story. Honestly, I was pretty bored by it for the most part. The first two or three episodes were great, and the last two episodes were amazing. Everything in between, a whole lot of meh. I am not a fan of the direction they took Hei's character in. However, I do like the new character, Suo, and how she copes with the life of a contractor. Her revelations and interactions with people are heartfelt and emotional. The plot can be oddly confusing at times, and at others blatantly obvious, though maybe that was just me. It isn't until the end I will note that all four of the OVA episodes were amazing. The story was great, all the characters I felt connected with, and I wanted more. Plus, it really gave some insight into Hei's relationship with Yin, and how Dolls may actually feel. (Guess you could call that a spoiler, but if you watched season 1, it wouldn't be. Heck, the fact that there is a season 2 is a spoiler in and of itself)
On to music, it was pretty lame. I heard the same songs used many times, and a lot of them I had heard on children's shows I watched when I was five. Not much more to say than that. Same with the OVAs.
Now, fighting. There was surprisingly little combat in this. Don't get me wrong, there were fights, and some were cool, particularly the beginning and ending ones. My problem is the fights in the middle felt very light for the most part. In Gaiden, the fights were gritty, intense, and worth watching multiple times.
Animation-wise, everything stayed pretty much the same as the first season, and I am okay with that. Everything is fluid and looks nice.
In conclusion, if you just had the quality of the first few and last few episodes of Gemini of the Meteor and combined them with Gaiden, you'd easily have a 9-9.5/10 anime. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. What I can do is give individual scores and combined scores.
DTB: Gemini of the Meteor - 7.5/10
DTB: Gaiden - 9/10

DTB (Seasons 1, 2, and Gaiden) - 8.5/10


AMVs (some good ones here):

Sell you soul by Hollywood Undead

Pain by Three Days Grace

I'm still Here by unkown (A softer one)

Built for Sin by Framing Hanley

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