

Darker than Black Review - Roxas

Hey guys, Roxas here, and I'm here to post my first review, and as you can see from the title above, I'm doing it on Darker than Black. I didn't know what to expect when I turned on the first episode, and now that I'm finished, I am so happy that I decided to watch this show. By the way, I watched this show dubbed, as I felt it better captured this cast.
DTB has a lot of things going for it, first and foremost its leading role. Emotions are strongly felt through these people. I think what impressed me most is how some of the characters (Yin, mainly) were able to convey such intricate emotions through seemingly emotionless stares.  Hei is a great character that you get attached to, and although the supporting cast takes a bit too long to be established, when they are given stories, the whole crew comes together satisfyingly, albeit with a few exceptions.
Another strong point of this anime is how well the world the characters live in has been built. The only problem I have with it is that it lacks a certain ominous sense that you normally think would be present.
For you fans who only care about the fight scenes, this show certainly doesn't disappoint. Fights are fast, fluid, and never feel recycled, even when the same two characters fight more than once.
Onto the story, which I am a bit conflicted on. While everything goes together nicely, I was left with a lot of questions, and the ending felt a bit rushed. That being said, another season was made, but as it differs greatly from the first, I decided I would write a different review for that.
So, for my last point, I'm going to go over the problems I had with this anime. In this lineup of 26 episodes, there are three episodes that felt out of place and a bit sloppy. The last episode I found to be especially poor. Without giving too much away, let's just say it takes the show in an entirely worthless tangent. I also found one of the "villains" to be severely overpowered, to the point of annoyance at just hearing that villain's name mentioned.
To close, despite its flaws, Darker than Black is a great anime that you will definitely want to see.
Score - 8.5/10

AMVs(I would have put more, but most AMVs for DTB focus on season 2):
Impossible by Manafest

(Breaking Benjamin; Cliché, I know)


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